Date: 2014-04-17 23:11:57
Like you say Ben, its the ‘atmospherics’ part that has me confused. The air must have been exceptionally still to allow a perfect ring to persist at altitude. They’re saying that it was a kind of petrol/diesel mixture that was ignited. Well, I suppose diesel oil smoke has far more particulates and will ‘hang’ with greater opacity. The images we have seen do seem to show a greyness below the ring, as if the formation has risen (bare with me, I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt :-))The video clip does show that the trees are motionless, therefore no breeze. But here’s the thing that gets me. The initial report in the Daily Mail says the schoolgirl witnessed the event on Friday evening, therefore the sun would have been in the west and relatively low. The photo in the Leamington Courier must have been taken looking East because the houses, lamp posts are in full sun, no shadow, therefore the sun was directly behind the photographer. But Warwick Castle lies to the west of Leamington Spa, so the only way that the ‘smoke ring’ could’ve drifted that far east of Leamington was….if the wind had blown it there! Unless of course, the photo in the ‘Leamington Courier’ was actually taken in West Warwick. I have e-mailed Leamington Courier for some more info! Keep you posted On Thursday, 17 April 2014, 17:16, “benthejrporter@hotma…”