OU Learn “Avoiding armageddon: How do you avert an asteroid strike?”

From: realiseyourefree

Date: 2014-07-30 18:21:52

My[Contact Me Ref-2]inbox led me to reading and commenting on this article which I found interesting: “…Other institutes within the NEOShield consortium are exploring a range of alternative scenarios, from the detonation of a nuclear device on the surface of the asteroid, to exerting a gravitational force on the asteroid in order to divert its course…” Avoiding armageddon: How do you avert an asteroid strike? Avoiding armageddon: How do you avert an asteroid str… Discover how investigations by[Contact Me Ref-2]science researchers are contributing to a Europe-wide project to scenario plan and mitigate an asteroid strike from ever hitti… View on www.open.edu Preview by Yahoo   Restricted knowledge continues in earnest.   

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