Dr Kevin Corbett Explains
Sociogenic Disease… About 12 mins into this interview, Dr Kevin Corbett explains what happened with the SMON epidemic in Japan in the 1970s. They even isolated a virus… Hmmmmm……
Armed Police Agree with Protesters and are “Fed up” of it all…
PM Ardern confirms unvaccinated will have fewer rights than the vaccinated
It seems that Ardern and Trudeau are pretty young to be leaders of their respective countries (or am I just getting old). Have they been groomed? (Probably a silly question really…)
Comparing all-cause mortality rate by age group: vaccinated v unvaccinated
Norman Fenton
Norman Fenton is Professor in Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London and also a Director of Agena, a company that specialises in risk management for critical systems.
In a previous article we argued that to determine the overall risk-benefit of Covid-19 vaccines it is crucial to be able to compare the all-cause mortality rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated in each different age category. However, current publicly available UK Government statistics do not include raw data on mortality by age category and vaccination status. Hence, we are unable to make the necessary comparison. In a new paper we explain how we attempted to reverse engineer estimates of mortality by age category and vaccination status from the various relevant public Government datasets; unfortunately, we found numerous discrepancies and inconsistencies which indicate that the Office for National Statistics reports on vaccine effectiveness are grossly underestimating the number of unvaccinated people. Hence, official statistics may be underestimating the mortality rates for vaccinated people in each age category. Although we have not subjected this data to statistical testing, the potential implications of these results on the effects of vaccination on all-cause mortality, and by implication, the future of the vaccination programme is profound.
Too Much Faith?
Here is an account I received via facebook, which I have edited very slightly to anonymise a bit more.
I graduated in 1985 from —- (Zoology BSc). One of my friends was a year older and graduated in pharmacy. We’re all in a WhatsApp group to this day. Prior to the ‘pandemic’ the group was flooded with his jokes and ‘funnies’. He is a senior pharmacist in the xxxxx …he couldn’t hold back urging us all the get jabbed when they came out. He said that it may take up to 5 years to “vaccinate the whole world”. “Get the jabs mates, it’s the only way out of this.”
So far, since he shared an image of his Pfizer jab certificate… he has gone completely dark. No answer to telephone calls or emails for months. Finally got through and he had been having circulation issues and off work, sick. No other news. funny that. No more “funnies” since 2020 either.
But no whistleblowing either as far as I know. They know it’s wrong and [they know] about the unreported adverse reactions…but do and say nothing. Not good.
‘Stop the Shot’ conference exposes doctors, hospitals that deny care to COVID patients
The explosive press conference will present shocking recordings of hospital executives discussing coordinated plans to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients, suppression of all visits for COVID patients while in hospital, denial of vital medicines, and more.
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