The Disclosure Project, Seaspower, Aero2012 and the Orion Project Andrew Johnson, Jan 2009     In this article, I will be trying to examine Dr. Steven Greer’s Free Energy Initiatives and question why they do not seem to have yielded anything of practical value. "We…

The universe’s storehouse of energy By Conrado Salas Cano     According to the recently deceased Arthur C. Clarke (1999, p. 495), Richard Feynman’s appraisal regarding zero point energy (ZPE) was that a cubic meter of space would have enough energy to boil all the…

On Sunday, 17 December 1995, viewers in U.K. saw an hour-long T V. program which, at long last, puts across the clear message that "free energy" is on the way.

In the opening stages Arthur C. Clarke explained how there were four stages in the way scientists react to the development of anything of a revolutionary nature. "Free energy" was now working its way through these four stages of reaction, which were:

a: "It’s nonsense," b: "It is not important," c: "I always said it was a good idea," and d: "I thought of it first."

The scene moved to Rome, Georgia where Jim Griggs of Hydrodynamics, Inc. demonstrated the assembly and operation of a "hydrosonic water pump" which operated over-unity by producing hot water or steam with energy in excess of the electrical energy input to the pump motor. "Over-unity" was confirmed by satisfied customers, including the Albany Fire Station, where engineers from the "local university" and the "local power company" had been called in to verify the over-100% efficiency.…