Zero-point energy and Free Energy on Google video

From: Andrew Johnson

Date: 2006-07-01 22:32:52

Original source… inspiring video on new energy available for free viewing on GoogleVideo is the best documentary available on new energy sources whichcan powerfully transform our world. The award-winning documentary,Free Energy-The Race to Zero Point, provides a thorough, professionalexamination of the leading theories and practical inventions that tapinto zero pointenergy-now acknowledged by quantum physicists to exist in all spaceas a potential source of infinite and accessible electromagneticenergy. Respected engineers and scientists explain in understandableterms how amazing new energy technologies and inventions can gobeyond alternative energy to solve the energy crisis on our planet. Also see: “It runs on Water” (Channel 4, 1995)…   If you are at work, send these links home and watch them instead of 2 hours of regular Television.

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