Re: New Book by a friend of mine – Evolution Through Contact

From: Gary Via

Date: 2012-03-23 01:10:06

Attachments :Really, Andrew?  No disrespect intended, but….  A Steven Greer acolyte, no less?  New Agey “love and light from our ET saviors” meme, no less?  And this book will help us all evolve into Cosmic Citizen pets/slaves to our beneficent ET masters?  Ummmm….. think I’ll pass…L  It is not only the “Minions of Darkness” who have maintained a veil of secrecy over ET contact—it is also the ETs themselves. And, by all indications, the ETs have also negotiated secret agreements with the “Minions of Darkness” without the informed consent of the People of Earth.  If some people came into your house uninvited and by stealth, would you welcome them with open arms? Would you give your life in service to their “greater purpose?”  What IS their true purpose? Does Don Daniels know? Or does he know only what they (or Steven Greer) tell him?  Do you find Steven Greer trustworthy, Andrew?  Do you find credible Greer’s claim that all supposed ET abductions are conducted by the military? And that secretive intruders are here with the sole intent of helping us evolve?  So why should we extend our  trust to one of Greer’s disciples and read his book? Should we also read Greer’s books?  Let us not be as naïve as those Native Americans who welcomed the European conquerors to their land with open arms.  Discernment is needed in these times, now more than ever.    Together for Truth, Freedom and Human Sovereignty,Gary    One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.–Carl Gustav Jung    From: Cognoscence@yahoogro… [mailto:Cognoscence@yahoogro…] On Behalf Of Andrew JohnsonSent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:14 PMTo: Andrew JohnsonSubject: [Cognoscence] New Book by a friend of mine – Evolution Through Contact     Here is a message from Don Daniels, a friend of mine, who has just published a book. Feel free to forward / post on blogs etc. Below is a summary, some short reviews and a sample of the text that he sent to me.   After several years and more work than I ever imagined, my book  Evolution Through Contact – Becoming a Cosmic Citizen  is finally out. Everyone who has read it has been most enthusiastic, which is very encouraging to me. I’m also getting higher level confirmation that this book is very timely and important, especially for those friends of yours who are just starting to wake up to the larger paradigm. I’ve included a PDF of the next to the last version of the cover, don’t have the latest version of the full cover from my layout person yet, but it is close.  Also, and again not nearly as nicely formatted as in the book, I’ve included basically the front page through the first chapter to give you a clue what it is all about. Basically this book follows my 13 year journey from knowing to understanding, and offers suggestions and exercises you and your friends can use to become comfortable and proficient in the new paradigm that is rapidly occurring all around us.  It has already helped people like Sierra Neblina, who has and continues to have ET encounters, find comfort and meaning in them. It also will help any open minded person to become ready for their own contact experiences.  I will bring some copies to the PRF meeting which is on Wed, March 21st  It is also  available now and you can order from my web site    and go to the Online Store link. My next big learning curve is how to make the web site do what I want it to do.  For a quick link to my Create Space (the Publishers) online eStore for direct ordering you can go to  It will be available via Amazon in a week or two, and next month your local bookstore should be able to get it via Ingram’s. If you know a local bookstore they can also get it through Create Space Direct. I’ll be very happy to sign any copies, and if you are out of the area and want an autographed copy I am working on a special option on the web site for that. In the meantime you can send me an e-note and we can work out a way to get an autographed copy to you. May we create a better world for our grand-kids,From the back cover: This book changes lives! “You have put things in a way people can understand—Very accurate and tasteful. The hope is many will read and apply what is there—Keep up the great work—You are a bridge between worlds—Namasté” “Sarah 5” “Evolution through Contact is a very mind expanding book. It brought me further along in my thought processes about what contact could be like and brought my attention to attitudes that could be obstacles to building rapport. Was I ready for high strangeness? Could I be open to beings that looked very different from us? It offers a new perspective.  The exercises are helpful for raising consciousness and developing necessary skills, such as remaining calm and communicating telepathically. It was a fascinating read!” Shirley Morgan, Denver, CO Don presents a unique approach to achieving true personal growth and “Evolution through Contact.” He has seriously, and with humor, presented techniques that if practiced as given will greatly increase the probability of experiencing your own peaceful ET contact, even before Open Contact begins. Recognizing that the People of this planet are about to experience a paradigm shift that will affect their lives in ways most cannot even imagine, Don captures the essence of what it means to be truly Human in these changing times. He makes a magnificent case for continuing the search… and encourages you to expect with great joy the long awaited “Disclosure” and subsequent reunion with our cosmic brethren.Phil Catalano    Aerospace Engineer/Wizard My deepest gratitude needs to be acknowledged for Don. His guidance was so helpful and practical that it led me to become centered and balanced in the midst of my own personal and evolutionary experiences. I highly recommend this book to people who would like practical tips on how to deal with their own evolutionary experiences, especially related to UFO/ET encounters and the general spiritual changes that are occurring in our world at this time. Rev. Sierra Neblina, DD, Author, Medicine Woman,Radio Host at Starseed Radio Academy and Contactee  Evolution through ContactBecoming a Cosmic Citizen They were definitely not human.In fact, they were not even mammalian.They were all around me,and they were touching me gently,like a blind person feeling someone’s face…© 2012 Don DanielsETC Books, Evergreen, COwww.EvolutionThrough…Paranormal / Non-Fiction / Philosophy TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 3 How Quickly it becomes real 8CHAPTER EXERCISE: BASIC MEDITATION 13In the Beginning 15CHAPTER EXERCISE: LIFE REVIEW 19Aviation vs. Mysticism 20CHAPTER EXERCISE: CONFORMITY 34Airline Job and another Pay Cut 35CHAPTER EXERCISE: SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH. 36The Mystic Connection 37CHAPTER EXERCISE: CREATIVE VISUALIZATION 40Paradigm Shift 42CREATING AN EGREGORE 48The Interplanetary Council 51CHAPTER EXERCISE: MEDITATION FOR INTERPLANETARY COUNCIL 52Communication through Inspiration 55FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES 56Chapter Exercise: Oneness 58Side note on raising our vibrations 60Why all the secrecy and denial? 62Disclosure – Or at Least a Darn Good Try 68FIVE DAYS IN MAY 69FOLLOWING UP 81CHAPTER EXERCISE: GETTING IT OFF YOUR CHEST 87Taking the Show on the Road 88THE CONDON REPORT 90CHAPTER EXERCISE: TALKING ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES 98Changing Tactics 100POWER FOR THE PEOPLE 101EVOLUTION 104CHAPTER EXERCISE: MEETING THE UNEXPECTED 107Close Encounters of the Crustacean Kind! 109CHAPTER EXERCISE: HIGH STRANGENESS 112Physiological Effects of Contact and How to Handle Them 113WHO’S WHO? 115CHAPTER EXERCISE – PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTER STUDY 119The Concept of Dimensions 121CHAPTER EXERCISE – MOVING INWARD TO REACH OUT! 125An Unexpected surprise 128CHAPTER EXERCISE – CLASH OF CULTURES: 134“Talking” with ET 136CHAPTER EXERCISE – WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? 140Random Thoughts about Random Thoughts 141CHAPTER EXERCISE – TELEPATHY 149What are they waiting for? 150CHAPTER EXERCISE: SEE OURSELVES THROUGH THEIR EYES. 154Service to Self, Service to Others, Service to the Universe 156SERVICE TO SELF, SERVICE TO OTHERS, SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSE 157CHAPTER EXERCISE: LEAD YOUR OWN DISCUSSION GROUP 167What do we have to offer? 168CHAPTER EXERCISE: CONTRIBUTING TO THE UNIVERSE 173What do they have to offer us? 174CHAPTER EXERCISE: NEW TECHNOLOGIES 176How to Relate to Your ET Friends 177THE MOVIE STAR AND THE ET! 179CHAPTER EXERCISE – MEETING OTHER PEOPLES. 184Talking About UFO/ET 186CHAPTER EXERCISE – TALKING ABOUT THE NEW PARADIGM. 187Mary, Mother of ET –  Building bridges between worlds 188What is next for humanity 201© 2011 Don DanielsConclusion 207Appendix A  –  Remote Viewing 209 While most pilots choose to stay silent regarding UFO sightingsand/or ET contact, Don Daniels is not one of them! In Evolution Through Contact, Don writes candidly about his journey from curiosity to experience to understanding. From his experiences with Dr. Stephen Greer and CSETI to his descriptions of contact and communication, he provides an interesting mix of humorous, philosophical, and inspiring stories andcommentary that are sure to capture the attention of the reader. In addition, each chapter is enhanced with links to informational resources, a chapter exercise (designed to enhance your personal understanding and experience with the topics in the chapter), and poems by the author. Have you ever wondered, much less even known about, what youshould do if you were psychotronically attacked? What ET communication is really like? The how’s and why’s—and importance—of creating an egregore? What happened behind the scenes during and after the Disclosure Project presentation at the National Press Club? What was commonly misunderstood about the Condon Report? What openness gets you when you’re a commercial pilot? How you can prepare yourself for contact? Or how OOBE (Out of Body Experience) relates to extraterrestrialcontact? If you’re preparing to read “just another book” on thesubject, prepare yourself, instead, to expect the unexpected as thisbook takes YOU on a journey of personal discovery. Sandy Jones, Consultant, Coach, andDolores Cannon Hypnotherapist Very interesting reading and I like the exercises at the end of thechapters. You just can’t read and put it down, you get something to do.Heidi Moller Loved your open, friendly, humorous style.Monique Kesos Don Daniels takes the high road in Evolution through Contact, everything about his experiences lends a very positive note to the whole subject of extraterrestrial contact. I’ll recommend it to friends who are dragging their feet about the larger picture.Mark KimmelAuthor, Teacher & Channel Preface   This book started out as a simple How-To on preparing yourselfmentally, emotionally, and psychologically for your own ET Contactexperiences, and some suggestions on how to attempt to initiate your own contacts when you were ready. However, in the writing this book has evolved into something much more important, a treatise on Becoming a Cosmic Citizen.  There are many indications that 2012 will be a pivotal year in human evolution, a time when many—if not most of us—will move into a fourth dimensional way of being, one that is Love and Oneness based. There are also some who have consciously chosen darkness, hate, fear and greed, and they have free will to continue in a third dimensional fear-based world to continue learning those lessons.   Then there is a significant portion of the population who are stillasleep, unaware of the epic decisions that will be upon us in the very near future. If you have friends and loved ones in that category, and you like the messages I share, then perhaps passing this book on to them can help awaken them to the possibilities before them.Each person has to decide for themselves whether to personally ascend or to remain in the familiar fear-based world of separation and limited consciousness. It is a bold leap to move into a world that is love and oneness based, fully conscious and enlightened, but it will be very rewarding.   There will be other opportunities in the future, but the energies forenlightenment and moving into Full Consciousness will not be this strong again for a very long time. The best you can do is offer enlightenment and encouragement while respecting each individual’s free will to choose their own path.   While this book relates many of my own personal experie(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

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