Richard asked me to read the book and review it with him. It was a big task as it’s over 500 pages in length! We recorded this a few weeks ago. Make of it what you will!! I feel I should mention that I if…

Richard asked me to read the book and review it with him. It was a big task as it’s over 500 pages in length! We recorded this a few weeks ago. Make of it what you will!! I feel I should mention that I if…
Thanks to Arthur for sending me a link to this interesting blog: malagabay.wordpress…. It suggests that apparent irregularities in the re-appearance of Halley’s comet (which returns every 76 years, according to what mainstream astronomy tells us) might more easily be explained by the conclusion that…
Most of us who have an interest in the planet we live on have seen diagrams showing the Earth’s interior. We are told it is very hot and made of iron. Is this really true? How far have we actually “dug down” to find this…
Thanks to George for sending me this link:… It’s easy to get hooked in to using services like Google – the article made me consider how regularly I use it – purely because of using an Android phone. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Google’s…
A chap called Dominick sent me this link this morning:… Before I read the article, I commented… “I am guessing it is still 20 years away…?” Of course I had to chuckle when I read the article: The UK government has…
One of the common false refuges of skeptics and denialists of the UFO/ET reality is the inappropriate question/statement along the lines of “Why have no flying saucers ever landed in broad daylight the middle of a city to be witnessed by 100’s of people?” Well,…